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Type MFA & MFAS compressed air drain traps


Stainless steel pivots: Assure adequate protection against wear. Seat CoCr alloy hardfaced to increase resistance to the high degree of wear through velocity of flow, dirt and scale. Freeze-proof installation: Freeze-proof without insulation – complete drainage when cold. Quality that lasts. Velan is a world leader in the design and production of a wide range of cast and forged steel gate, globe, check, ball, triple offset, highly engineered severe service valves, and steam traps offering superior performance across all major industrial applications.

Features and benefits

  • The Velan Type MFA float trap automatically removes accumulated water from compressed air systems. Construction is similar to the Type MFT steam trap except that there is no thermostatic element. A boss is provided on top of the cover, tapped for a NPS 3/8 (DN 10) air circulating pipe which is necessary unless the trap is fitted directly under and so close to the drain point that air entering the trap can escape back through the inlet.
  •  Stainless steel float and trim.